The organization that for decades has helped refugees build new lives in Connecticut after fleeing their homelands is ...
A long-established agency helping refugees settle in Connecticut is shutting down its New Haven office due to federal ...
One of Connecticut’s major immigrant resettlement agencies is heavily downsizing after losing millions of dollars in federal ...
Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services, or IRIS, announced that they are closing their New Haven office due to a sudden ...
Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services has laid off about half of its staff as the Trump administration ordered sudden ...
New Haven’s Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services, known as IRIS, is supposed to host a run for refugees on Sunday. More than 3,000 people are registered for the 5k through East Rock.
Runners took to the streets of New Haven during the IRIS Run for Refugees 5K on Saturday. More than 1,800 runners braved the wintry conditions. 200,000-square-foot warehouse proposed for CT town ...