In what is yet another feather in the UAE’s cap with respect to its technological advancements, Abu Dhabi Police has launched an autonomous, next-gen patrol car, with the aim of boosting road ...
An emotive video of Abu Dhabi Police personnel stopping traffic to help a duck family move to safety has gone viral on social ...
Multiple crashes were recently caught on Abu Dhabi's police cameras, all of which were caused by dangerous overtaking. In one of the accidents, a van was seen flipping over twice after being hit by a ...
As a car stops on the leftmost lane of a four-lane road, another vehicle can be seen crashing into it, in a video shared by Abu Dhabi authorities. A man is seen shutting the bonnet of the car, when ...
Reducing response time The Abu Dhabi Police reiterated that allowing emergency vehicles — such as ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars — unobstructed passage is crucial for reducing ...
While several cars managed to swerve away ... In response, the Directorate General of Traffic and Patrols at Abu Dhabi Police urged motorists to avoid stopping in active lanes under any circumstances.