Ainsworth is considered a likely candidate for governor, even if that means a faceoff with Sen. Tommy Tuberville.
Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth, who is considering a run for governor next year, said Tuesday that Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s decision on whether to enter the race will not affect his plans. “Senator ...
A popular educational stop for students across the River Region remains open for now, but its future is still unclear.
Alabama officials intensify push to bring U.S. Space Command to Huntsville, citing Redstone Arsenal's advantages.
The law, which goes into effect immediately, targets devices that turn semiautomatic handguns into makeshift machine guns.
Governor Kay Ivey signed Senate Bill 115, known as the Officer Impersonation Prevention Act, into law on Friday. Sponsored by ...
The new law allows the governor to directly appoint and supervise the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs commissioner.
I-65 is expanding after two projects to widen the lanes are underway. These projects are a part of the 'Go Wide 65' campaign which will add lanes to the highway from Huntsville down to Mobile. For ...
The Alabama Exhibition Center Corporation finalized purchase of approximately 500 acres along I-65 at Exit 280, the future ...