Like people, bacteria get invaded by viruses. In bacteria, the viral invaders are called bacteriophages, derived from the Greek word for bacteria-eaters, or in shortened form, "phages." ...
Tel Aviv University scientists say that they can inject CRISPR genetic 'molecular scissors' to shrink tumors by 90%; ...
Researchers have discovered a handful of new CRISPR-Cas systems that could add to the capabilities of the already transformational gene editing and DNA manipulation toolbox. Of the new recruits, one ...
DNA segments that can move from one part of the genome to another – are key to bacterial evolution and the development of ...
Professor Rashid Bashir and a research team at the Grainger College of Engineering, Urbana, Illinois have developed a novel ...
CRISPR-Cas9 has two components. The first is an enzyme—Cas9—that functions as a cellular scalpel to cut DNA. (In nature, bacteria use it to sever and disarm the genetic code of invading viruses.) ...
While antibiotics are powerful modern tools for combating infections, bacteria change and adapt ... resistance genes in wastewater samples using a CRISPR-enriched metagenomic method, Water ...
Antibiotic resistant bacteria are one of the greatest challenges facing modern medicine, and they are likely to grow greater ...
A team of researchers has developed an advanced gene-based diagnostic technology that enables rapid and highly sensitive detection of multi-drug-resistant bacteria and other pathogens, even at ...
In 2020, Peer and his team were the first to use CRISPR to cut genes from cancer cells in mice in a cell-specific manner. This is the first time they have applied it to head and neck cancers.
Of the new recruits, one system from bacteria commonly found in dairy ... That work—and most of the subsequent research using CRISPR—is built on a viral defense mechanism from the bacterial ...
Of the new recruits, one system from bacteria commonly found in dairy ... That work – and most of the subsequent research using CRISPR – is built on a viral defense mechanism from the ...