Calf prices, too, are hanging in strong, with beef-cross calves hitting new highs of $1,200/head. For Holstein heifer calves, ...
Move over, artificial insemination. Artificial intelligence has found its way onto dairy farms, and is revolutionizing the ...
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is the latest step in the evolution of dairy genetics and is now a key driver of the U.S. supply ...
A farmer has been suspended from supplying milk to the UK's largest dairy company after secret filming seemingly showed cows being kicked, beaten and struck with apparent electric goads. Video of the ...
An investigation carried out by welfare group Animal Justice Project found cruelty to cows and their calves at the farm which ...
Cows are violently kicked, punched, and struck with pipes and electric goads at a dairy farm supplying a company that sells ...
OAD feeding can significantly help this process of weaning and it can also help considerably with the workload at this time ...
Undercover footage from a dairy farm providing milk to the UK’s largest producer has revealed staff abusing cows, slapping new-born calves and allegedly denying the animals veterinary care.