the king of Ithaca; Andrus Nichols as Penelope, his wife and queen; Carlo Albán as Telemachus, their callow son; and Hamill herself as Circe, a sorceress. Odysseus is heading home after the ...
After the war is won Odysseus begins his journey home to Ithaca where his wife Penelope and son Telemachus are waiting for him. It has not yet been confirmed who is playing these roles in Nolan's ...
The latest to join the long list of Hollywood A-listers in filmmaker Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey is The Walking Dead ...
Matt Damon is set to star as Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca and titular hero of ... ten-year journey in an effort to return home to his beloved wife, Penelope, and son Telemachus.
The story follows a hero, Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, who is trying to return home to his family after fighting in the Trojan War. He uses his strength and cunning to defeat many challenges ...
As one of the foundational poetic texts of Western literature, the story follows Odysseus, King of Ithaca on his dangerous journey home after the Trojan war. The ancient Greek epic illustrates a ...