Kepler was one of the most successful exoplanet ... John Bienias and Robert Szabó of Hungary's Konkoly Observatory have spent a lot of time looking at those background stars.
In Empfingen, south of Stuttgart in the northern Black Forest, the Institute of Technical Physics operates a large observatory for the laser-based detection of space debris objects. Due to the large ...
Since the launch of the Kepler telescope and observatory in 2009, our understanding of the universe has dramatically advanced in just over five years. Kepler's primary mission is to search for ...
He works at the Kepler Science Office on the whole instrument/detector ... While admittedly a tough environment for an observatory, this antipodal location offers long nights and high altitude, ...
Kepler can tell us how big a planet is ... This latest research relied on observational data collected by the European South Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope, specifically, a spectroscopic ...
a large part of the work is carried out in the scientific working group "Orbital Photonics", in particular using the Johannes Kepler Observatory in Empfingen. The transportable ground station STAR-C ...
Having built an observatory and used it to track the motion of planets, Brahe possessed the most accurate astronomical observations of the time. Even though Brahe was impressed with Kepler’s ...