Typically an unmistakable beacon towering 130 feet above the ocean with its 174,000 LED lights, the Santa Monica Pier's ...
The 46m high Big Wheel has been a major attraction in Edinburgh in the run-up to Christmas and Hogmanay - and now it could be ...
The attraction currently has planning consent for a fixed two-month period during Edinburgh's winter festival.
Unique Assembly, the company behind Edinburgh’s renowned Christmas markets, has submitted an application to the City of ...
Fota's new 'Wheel of Vision' is a 35m tall Ferris wheel, about the height of seven male giraffes - for reference, that's 3m ...
Installing a Ferris wheel in Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens for half of the year is  "a step too far," the charity which ...
Experience the Ferris wheel and the Riley Health Sports Legend Experience at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, which is ...
Unique Assembly wants the 46-metre-high ferris wheel to be in Princes Street Gardens from June through December.
More than 250 unique Illinois products are competing to advance toward being named coolest thing made in Illinois as part of ...