Thinking it might be a fossil, photos of his find made their way to researchers at Sul Ross State University. Weeks later, it was confirmed. The fossil was indeed an ancient mammoth tusk – a very rare ...
Researchers worked over two days to create a protective cast around the tusk for transport. After covering the fossil in plaster-soaked burlap strips, Schroeder’s group then constructed a frame around ...
While the statement doesn’t name a specific mammoth species, the tusk might have belonged to a Columbian mammoth, a distant cousin of the more familiar woolly mammoth. The shaggy elephantine animal ...
Last Saturday, while hundreds of revelers were hunting for bocks near Schell’s Brewery during Bockfest, another group was ...
“Seeing that mammoth tusk just brings the ancient world to life,” Juett said. “Now, I can’t help but imagine that huge animal wandering around the hills on the O2 Ranch. My next thought is always ...
A West Texas hunter discovered a rare mammoth tusk on a ranch, leading to the second Trans-Pecos mammoth artifact ever.
Everything is bigger in Texas, and on one of the state's largest ranches, a hunter discovered the biggest game yet: the tusk of a mammoth, according to a news release from Sul Ross University on ...
After Juett reported the find to CBBS, a team of anthropology professors and archaeological researchers came to the ranch and swiftly confirmed the fossil was a mammoth tusk. "When they confirmed ...
A hunter looking for deer on a West Texas ranch instead discovered a rare mammoth tusk, researchers say. The tusk was sitting in the drainage area of a creek bed on the O2 Ranch in Brewster and ...
Well, as it turns out, the hunter was right. It was a fossil—a rare woolly mammoth tusk, to be precise. “Juett said his great working relationship with the Center for Big Bend Studies (CBBS ...
A deer hunter recently discovered a mammoth tusk at O2 Ranch, a privately owned ranch in Brewster and Presidio counties. (Couretsy Photo) ALPINE Although he was searching for deer, a hunter at the ...