Sediment samples from the Ross Sea coastline are revealing insights into how animals like elephant seals and Adélie penguins ...
Adélie penguins have unknowingly documented the changing climate of Antarctica—not in journals or fossils, but through their ...
The fairy penguins in this video are also mourning, but differently than BBC’s emperor penguin. Researchers studying penguins ...
Little blue penguin break-up rates are a new tool that could predict their colony’s future in the face of climate change and ...
Analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA has illuminated 6,000 years of the lives of Adélie penguin colonies on Antarctica's Ross ...
"Ancient sedimentary DNA recovered from Adelie penguin colonies allowed us to detect the presence of other local species through time, including a range of birds, seals and invertebrates," said lead ...
Read the following text, and answer questions 1-9 below: [1] Mashudu Mashau says it takes about two minutes to catch a penguin. He conducts this task weekly to investigate sightings of injured or ...
New ancient DNA research on Adélie penguin poo in Antarctica shows how several species respond to environmental change over ...