Kosher salt or sea salt? Which one belongs in your kitchen, and does it really matter? Mark Kurlansky, in Salt: A World ...
Celtic sea salt boasts distinctive moisture content and salty taste. When incorporating natural salts into your diet, consider your personal preferences, dietary requirements, and health ...
If you can, you’re probably using too much. Noted. As for the type of salt, Rolt advises unrefined sea salt like Maldon salt or Himalayan pink salt, as these contain a “wider range” of ...
It might look pretty, but a pinch of this stuff will cost you. 100 grams of pink Himalayan salt can cost $5 to $8, up to 20 times more than generic table salt. Ouch. But why is it so expensive?
Seawater is known for being quite salty. Salt in the sea, or ocean salinity, is mainly caused by rain washing mineral ions from the land into water. Carbon dioxide in the air dissolves into rainwater, ...
As McGee describes it, sea salt is tended, harvested, and minimally processed over time. Some unrefined sea salts, like sel gris from France, retain tiny amounts of algae, clay and bacteria ...