VALLEY VIEW, Ohio (WOIO) - A “spontaneous combustion situation” with raw wood products at a landscaping supply center caused a massive fire underneath the Valley View Bridge early Tuesday morning.
Inc., near the I-480 Valley View Bridge early Tuesday morning. Baltimore bridge collapses after ship hits it At about 5:30 a.m., a FOX 8 camera showed massive flames and billowing smoke.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is putting out the word on a couple of construction projects that will have ...
The city contracted with URS in 2007 to do a feasibility report about the Valley View Drive bridge crossing when the development process for Walnut Woods began. But as the real estate market ...
Roughly two months after motorists applauded the reopening of the Cedar Point Road bridge, the Cleveland Metroparks announced that beginning Monday, it is closing the nearby Valley Parkway Bridge for ...