Since Oct. 16, when Iraqi forces launched a large-scale offensive on Mosul to dislodge ISIS fighters, more than a hundred villages have been liberated. But the battle for Mosul continues.
IRAQI forces launched their long-awaited offensive to capture the Islamic State (Isis) stronghold of Mosul yesterday, gaining ground within hours. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the start of ...
On Wednesday, Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service forces uncovered several tunnels used by ISIS in recently recaptured villages around Mosul. Follow BI Video: On Twitter More from Military & Defense ...
All the work was managed through the collaboration between Italian restorers and 10 Iraqi young people they trained and who are graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Mosul.
IRAQI troops took more of the northern city of Mosul from Isis yesterday after the extremists carried out more terror attacks. Military officials said troops had ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Pasukan keamanan Irak melarang warga yang tinggal di Mosul memasuki Ibu Kota Bagdad. Menurut laporan situs berita Al-Quds Al-Arab mereka diperlakukan buruk saat berada di pos ...
MOSCOW, March 2./TASS/. The humanitarian situation in Iraqi Mosul is critical, it must be ignored, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. The situation in Iraq ...
Keterangan gambar, Perdana MenteriHaider al-Abadi mengenakan bendera Irak saat berkunjung ke Mosul. 9 Juli 2017 Perdana Menteri Irak, Haider al-Abadi, tiba di Mosul untuk mengucapkan selamat ...
A project to restore the ancient Iraqi city of Mosul would not have been possible without the UAE’s support, director-general of United Nations Education Scientific & Cultural Organization ...
Keterangan gambar, Bendungan Mosul memasok air dan listrik ke kawasan Irak utara. 1 Maret 2016 Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Baghdad memperingatkan risiko ambruknya Bendungan Mosul akan ...