The drive from Thessaloniki's airport into the city begins like any other: car dealerships and furniture stores that give way ...
The world’s oldest erotic graffiti was discovered in 2014 in Astypalaia, a remote island in Dodecanese, Greece.
The Ionian League, was a confederation of twelve Ionian Greek city-states located along the coast of Asia Minor.
Thessaloniki's driverless metro is a kind of hop-on, hop-off museum with centuries worth of ruins along its route ...
Built on the Gulf of Corinth, Lechaion was the largest harbor in ancient Greece, a hub for Phoenican, Mycenaean, Byzantine, and Roman ships ... between the Ionian and Aegean seas over 2,600 ...
Nature of freedom It’s not clear what freedom has become in the twenty-first century. So many claim it, but so few understand ...
A feature of the Macedonian Renaissance was the departure from Late Roman art forms and the revival ... Byzantine naval superiority in the Aegean Sea, and in 965 CE, Cilicia in Anatolia was ...
Spread the love In an ever-connected world, travel has become more accessible and desirable than ever before. From ancient ...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is returning to Greece the bronze head of a griffin ... B.C. The head had been displayed at the entrance to the Met’s Greek and Roman galleries since 1999. It was ...
Ancient Greek and Roman statues didn't originally look like they do now in museums. A new study says they didn't smell the ...