This case study highlights how environmental testing laboratories can improve productivity and reliability, using innovative ...
This application note highlights how modern ICP-MS technology can transform productivity and compliance when analyzing ...
We have no doubt that the so-called metargon, the spectrum of which is visible only at high pressure ... and argon, the last forming by far the largest portion of the gas; this mixture was ...
Traditionally, car tires have been filled with compressed air. Air is 78 percent nitrogen and just under 21 percent oxygen, ...
A new electrochemical device holds potential to directly split carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbon and pure oxygen. The team ...
To mitigate global climate change, emissions of the primary culprit, carbon dioxide, must be drastically reduced. A newly developed process helps solve this problem: CO2 is directly split ...
Abstract: A rapid synthesis method of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) by gas-liquid discharge at atmospheric pressure and room temperature is proposed in this work. The essence of this method is the ...
Don and Joan McGregor brought their family to Springville in 1970 from the Los Angeles basin. Through a variety of events, ...
Aracelys Luis Pacheco still gets excited when she remembers the days of the COVID-19 pandemic when many lives were, literally ...
Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of gas and dust squished together ... In the inner core, the pressure is so massive that the ultra-hot metal turns solid.
As airbag systems continue to evolve, it is clear that airbag protection doesn’t have to be bulky, uncomfortable, or ...