Wildcat Bluff Recreation Area in Benton County, a park known for its camping, hiking and renowned disc golf course, is ...
And another exciting groundbreaking ceromoney today for a new adoption center at the cedar valley humain society.A groundbreaking ceremony was held Wednesday fo ...
(KNSI) - Nearly 95% of Minnesota is at least abnormally dry, but the St. Cloud area continues to be spared. The worst drought ...
Representative Ashley Hinson visited the Benton County Brewing Company in Belle Plaine on Thursday to talk about what the ...
Wednesday, lawmakers in the Iowa House passed a bill requiring the medical school at the University of Iowa to admit a certain number of students from Iowa. Catch local Celtic band Wylde Nept at The ...
A loud round of applause swiftly followed her statement from a good portion of the audience, which included not only Tama ...
The H5N1 virus appeared in raw milk samples collected from a Stearns County herd. Health officials say there's no concern for ...
The Iowa Attorney General's Office has cleared two Black Hawk County Deputies and one Bremer County Deputy for their use of ...
NORWAY, Iowa (KCRG) - Law enforcement arrested a man early Monday morning in Benton County after an 18-hour standoff. In a news release on Monday, the Benton County Sheriff’s Office said they ...
Father Flynn became a prolific columnist for The Cedar Rapids Gazette and its rival, the Cedar Rapids Republican.