Universal vouchers and other private school choice programs have had a lot of momentum in red states. Support from Trump and Congress could push them further.
Sen. Ted Cruz has likened vouchers to “the civil rights issue of our time." But critics note they were used in the 1950s to ...
The grants would come in the form of refundable tax credits ... he would stand up for public education and would veto any voucher bill that does not meet standards of fairness, accountability ...
I’m a Republican precinct chair in Tarrant County. I’m a Christian. I’m a stay-at-home mom, been married for almost 25 years.
The 76 votes, including Buckley, would be just enough to form a majority of the 150 ... Republican has signaled support for vouchers and Buckley’s bill, and he could provide an extra vote ...
What it does: The bill creates a bipartisan group that would explore how Illinois counties could effectively secede from ...
House GOP leaders have come out against a measure in the bill that would prevent political parties from nominating general election candidates who didn’t run in that party’s primary.