Lifting weights and treadmill running are fine ways to break a sweat at home, but there’s no more viscerally satisfying way ...
How to use this list: Perform 6 to 8 reps of each exercise (per side for the dumbbell swing, step-up, and Bulgarian split squat), resting up to 3 minutes between sets. Repeat the full circuit 4 times.
U.S. News health-coach-writer Stacey Colino addresses why it can be hard to feel motivated to exercise when you’re depressed and how to deal with the challenge, with advice from experts.
An emerging body of multidisciplinary literature has documented the beneficial influence of physical activity engendered through aerobic exercise on selective aspects of brain function.
Bluetooth is baked into just about everything these days, from wireless earbuds and fitness trackers to laptops, cars, and smart home devices. In 2023 alone, more than 5.7 billion Bluetooth ...
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine accepts submissions of a range of article types, including original research, reviews and consensus statements. The Author Information section provides specific ...