The Jewish Education Center of Cleveland honored six local Jewish educators at its 31st annual Celebration and Educator ...
With International Women’s Day on March 8, I have chosen for this column female artists whose solo exhibitions have caught my attention and can be seen in Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv, and Bat Yam.
The most significant of Farissol’s writings is Igereth Orchoth Olam, a comprehensive cosmographic and geographic work based on original research and the studies of Christian and Arab geographers.
Thefts reported from Feb. 23 to March 3 2317 Penn St., burglary at residence/home. 225 W. Florence Rd., vehicle theft at parking lot/garage. 205 N. Belt Highway, items stolen at grocery/super market.
Molly Parr, a Florence resident and the vice president of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts, testified that the synagogue she attends, Beit Ahavahm, had received two bomb threats ...
They held a second wedding in Florence that June ... The couple married at New York's Angel Orensanz Synagogue on May 19, 1997, with 100 of their nearest and dearest filling the venue.
Costa Smeralda, one of the company’s twin flagships, is currently plying the waters around the Persian Gulf, taking in destinations such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman.