Thompson first encountered the Nazi movement in the early 1920s when she was a Berlin-based correspondent for Philadelphia's ...
Hitler ghost-wrote a biography that deemed him Germany’s ... Hitler and Trump both took steps to round up targeted persons in their early days in office. Two months after taking office ...
Thompson first encountered the Nazi movement in the early 1920s when she was a Berlin-based correspondent for Philadelphia's Public Ledger. Hitler made ... Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson ...
He and a small number of other German Protestant leaders gathered, calling themselves the Confessing Church. They issued the ...
So complicated is the German Führer’s Austrian genealogy that it was finally charted in a Nazi exhibition, aptly entitled “The Wonder of Life ... uses today. Hitler early wrote that ...
Hitler ghost-wrote a biography that deemed him Germany's "messiah ... Hitler and Trump both took steps to round up targeted persons in their early days in office. Two months after taking office ...
He always remembers the birthdays of his early Party comrades with ... taken on a Kaiserlike tilt. In real life, what is physically most noticeable about Hitler, especially at a distance, is ...
In just under two months, President Trump has helped to save the world from one destructive folly but threatened it with ...
“A lot of people thought Hitler was a blowhard,” Hayes says. “He never had been to university. He’d never held a government position. He’d never had a real job in his life, aside from ...
Now Göring knew that Hitler’s nationalist revolution (and Hitler called it “the most bloodless revolution in world history”) ...