In February, during the flowering time of black cumin (Nigella sativa), beekeeper Pavel Hossen set up an apiary on leased ...
With honey bees facing multiple threats, Jessy O'Keefe looks to give the valuable insects a helping hand one hive at a time.
There are a handful of plants that add visual appeal to your landscape while keeping bees at bay. Some include peppermint, ...
Estonian trade officials are hoping to take a bigger slice of Japan’s 45,000 tonne honey market on the back of promoting new ...
An army of experts and citizen scientists devoted to documenting and protecting the country’s native bees is telling us a lot ...
Wooden boxes seen around farms in the Central Valley contain the insects that are vital to crop pollination and production.
Michigan gardeners can start preparing your bee-friendly gardens with several key tips on plants, landscaping and more. Here's what to know.
Spring allergies are blooming. Here's what a San Joaquin Valley farmer says about what to look for in local honey.
There’s more to ‘keeping’ bees than hives and honey, as Rachel de Thample’s new River Cottage Handbook explains ...
Okay, so not everybody enjoys sharing their yard with tenants of a creepy-crawly nature. They don't communicate like dogs ...
A new study led by NatureServe reveals that more than 22% of native pollinators in North America are at an elevated risk of ...
Look a little closer and you will likely see mining bees. Mining bees are solitary insects that sometimes nest in large aggregations." To get started on planting your bee-friendly garden ...