What’s in a name? When it comes to sea turtles, it turns out, a pretty distinguishing trait. “The animal kingdom is filled with plenty of common names, which may have been coined for a number of ...
After years of steady gains, a decades-long conservation program dedicated to the Kemp's ridley hits rough seas ...
THE green sea turtle that was found dead along the coast of Barangay Tugasan, Olango Island, Lapu-Lapu City earlier this ...
The project was a collaboration between the Department of Conservation, NIWA, Australia's Monash University, and American non ...
A federal judge sentenced Sai Keung Tin, a Chinese citizen, to nearly three years in prison for his role in smuggling ...
The sea turtles, ranging in size from 3 to 35 pounds, were released by the Zoo’s sea turtle team and TAMU Galveston’s Gulf Center for Sea Turtle Research.
Seizures of large consignments of live turtles in northwest Bali in January have raised concerns among conservationists that trade in the protected species may remain pervasive despite recent ...
Over the next few weeks, says Veerappan, the team saw Cantor's giant softshell turtles, Indian flap shell turtles ... "The major difference between the two large softshell turtles found in ...
The eastern box turtles, known for the vivid yellow-orange markings on their shells, were bound from the ... “These were supposed to be, by and large, family pets,” Harris told the judge ...
Yarbrough saw what looked like a 14-foot-long alligator with something large in its mouth ... jaws of the alligator cracking through the turtle's shell. 11-FOOT-LONG 'KING ARTHUR' THE ALLIGATOR ...