No: F/YR25/0193/F Redfern, 149 Eastrea Road ... Proposal to erect a single-storey front extension and relocate a heat pump.
Here are the latest planning applications submitted to Fenland District Council, featuring a range of proposals including tree felling, ...
Proposed car and boat barn, secure storage, and lean-to for ground source heat pump/log store. BO/25/00517/FUL ... and introduction of cycle store and bin storage). BO/25/00515/DOM: Redfern House, ...
New advancements in heat pump technology are emerging as part of a broader push towards electrification and decarbonization, ...
A coalition of state agencies, manufacturers, utilities and others unveiled a blueprint aimed to accelerate adoption, while a ...
Savant users with a ClimateMaster heat pump system will be able to utilize Savant's HVAC scheduler, including custom routines ...
Heat pumps have become a hot topic in building decarbonization conversations, but there are still misconceptions about them.
The California Heat Pump Partnership, a public-private partnership, has released a blueprint to accelerate heat pump adoption ...
Say goodbye to electricians. Gradient's 120-volt All-Weather Heat Pump heats and cools up to 500 square feet and plugs right ...