Over midterm break, Dr. Kathryn Caliva Smart, assistant professor of History, presented a paper at The Goddess at the Crossing Place, a conference hosted by the Department of Humanities at Marshall ...
Nyx is the is the Ancient Greek goddess of the night.  Unlike her sister, Eos, the goddess of the Dawn, Nyx is a mysterious ...
A recent study by Dr. Ellen Green, published in the International Journal of Paleopathology, analyzed the faunal assemblage ...
Hesiod was an ancient Greek poet whose epic work Theogony elevated him to the status of Homer and is "a major source on Greek ...
As explored in a 1921 paper by Columbia University professor Alberta Mildred Franklin, dogs in particular had a ritualistic association with Hecate, the goddess of magic, witchcraft, sorcery, and ...
priest of the goddess Hecate, under the consulship of our lord Gratian Augustus and Merobaude, on the third day before the ides of May.
True Stories of Love, Lies, Hope and Desire by Juliet Rosenfeld and The Story of Witches: Folklore, History and Superstition ...
Archaeologists Stunned to Find Statue Heads of the ‘Goddess of Beauty’ and the ‘Deity of Wine’ in Turkey Religious faith ...