Featuring Nicole Wallace as Noah and Gabriel Guevara as Nick, the film quickly became a global sensation, leading to a sequel titled Your Fault (Spanish: Culpa tuya), which was released on ...
It's All Your Fault, Tyler Price! follows Jackson, a middle school boy with big feelings who's in big trouble after punching his bullying classmate, Tyler Price, for mocking Jackson's sister ...
Scripted by Domingo González & Sofía Cuenca ‘Your Fault’ is a Spanish romantic-drama about a forbidden love story and is based on a Wattpad story. The film is based on the second novel in ...
Your Fault has secured a spot among the top ten streaming movies on Amazon Prime Video, with viewers praising the performances, the chemistry between the cast, and the engaging storyline.
But if you’re in the mood for something a bit different, Your Fault (aka Cupla Tuya), the sequel to 2023’s My Fault, is about to drop on Prime Video. Based on Mercedes Ron’s Culpables series ...
Scripted by Domingo González & Sofía Cuenca ‘Your Fault’ is a Spanish romantic-drama about a forbidden love story and is based on a Wattpad story. The film is based on the second novel in ...
Spain has it’s very own Wattpad-to-streaming-movie franchise, aka the Culpables series penned by author Mercedes Ron. Culpa Tuya, or, in English, Your Fault, is the highly anticipated sequel to ...
it's an indie filmmaker's worst dreams come true! Afterward the cast and crew are to meet up for a post-premiere dinner. However the negative reactions causes the conflicts (both personal ...
Audiences can watch Your Fault starting December 27 ... that can either make or break a relationship. Cast and Production The movie boasts a talented ensemble cast, with Nicole Wallace and ...
Set against relatable struggles, Your Fault offers a blend of romance and drama, making it a perfect watch for the holiday season. With its strong cast and heartfelt storyline, it is expected to ...