While its inherently valuable message was quickly embraced by the scientific community, it was based on unscientific claims. "For many, Mayo's conclusion is self-evident, and it has been regarded ...
A friend shared a video with me of a purported groundbreaking new scientific discovery about the pyramids, and that's where ...
Desperate to keep their unscientific and ideological show on the road ... Stick with me because the methane myth needs exploding and condemned to oblivion. There is now finally some scientific ...
Even if you’ve never heard of Michael Mann, you will have felt his baleful influence on your energy bills. He is the inventor ...
Science has all too often been seen as a mode of knowledge that became the dominant way to see the world at a particular time in western history. For example, the Copernican revolution changed the way ...
Manatees may also be the inspiration for myths about mermaids ... were going to get a second or third hole drilled. Forgive my unscientific terminology, but basically there is a female whale ...
That policy was later modified to accept donations from blacks, however the institution upheld racial segregation of blood, which throughout the war Drew openly criticized as “unscientific and ... THE ...
According to Bliss, in 1950, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientif- ic and Cultural Organization) declared that racial bias was unscientific but continued to define races as “groups of ...