With Spring around the corner, plants, trees and shrubs will soon be bursting into bloom. Now’s the time to get your pruning shears out.
Planting fruit trees in these spots could spell disaster. Carefully choosing where to plant your fruit trees is just as ...
How to grow a lemon tree from a seed Take the seeds from a lemon. Choose a bright yellow lemon that's free from bruising and ...
Apple trees aren’t easy to grow because they need consistent care, including precisely timed spraying and pruning, to ...
The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society has unveiled its top 10 gardening trends for 2025.
As the calendar turns to spring with its lengthening days of warm sunshine, flowers begin to appear on fruit trees across ...
Humans aren't the only ones looking forward to fresh fruit in the spring. Squirrels and opossums often grab the best bite ...
If you're pressed for space, a micro orchard will allow you to grow many fruits in place of one or two trees, and you'll be ...
A successful harvest in orchard and vineyard crops begins with a viable spring bloom and fruit set. Given the importance of this stage of crop development, spring frosts during bloom and early fruit ...
A forest with high tree-species diversity is better at buffering heat peaks in summer and cold peaks in winter than a forest ...
Birds consume berries year-round, but most shrubs and trees produce berries only once a year. To ensure a continuous supply ...
Depending on the size and variety of the pear tree, expect it to bear fruit between three to seven years of age. “You can ...