Fye The Catholic Messenger Chris Green’s journey to Auschwitz began 20 years ago when one of her junior ...Read More ...
The effects of childhood exposure to poor air quality may be small for the individual, but at a population level, they could ...
Some of the artist’s most psychologically insightful work came in the final years of his life — a mature period cut short by ...
Despite her all-too-brief life, Annelies “Anne” Frank is the stuff of legend, lore, and countless heart-felt tributes. She is ...
On March 23, the Reichstag delegates met across the street from the burned ruins of the Reichstag in the Kroll Opera House.
Thompson first encountered the Nazi movement in the early 1920s when she was a Berlin-based correspondent for Philadelphia's ...
The St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum gives voice to survivors like 93-year-old Rachel Miller, impacting a new ...
He always remembers the birthdays of his early Party comrades with ... taken on a Kaiserlike tilt. In real life, what is physically most noticeable about Hitler, especially at a distance, is ...
And it’s claimed that Hitler — who made Christian-sounding noises early in his political career — had to die ... A biblical answer Thankfully, hope remains eternally in God's Word. Late in life ...
It was May 1945, and Hitler's reign of terror had finally come crumbling down under the combined strength of the Allied powers. Victory for the Allies was guaranteed ...
Gleichschaltung meant the co-ordination of all aspects of life - political, social and cultural - to fit in with Nazi ideas. Hitler extended his power over key organisations either by taking them ...
With the communist deputies banned and the SA intimidating all the remaining non-Nazi deputies, the Reichstag voted by the required two-thirds majority to give Hitler the right to make laws ...