Having now covered State of the State addresses by seven governors, it’s fascinating how the substance, tone and delivery of ...
Gov. Patrick Morrisey presented lawmakers Wednesday a balanced general revenue budget for the next fiscal year after announcing a nearly $400 million hole in the upcoming budget last year, with state ...
Gov. Patrick Morrisey presented lawmakers Wednesday a balanced general revenue budget for the next fiscal year after ...
CHARLESTON — As West Virginia enters 2025, many of the state’s elected leaders look the same. But after November’s elections, ...
When he ended his term as governor to head to the U.S. Senate, Jim Justice assured West Virginians he was leaving the state ...
U.S. Sen. Jim Justice said he transformed West Virginia’s financial policy from cow dung into gold during his time as ...
I will begin my 15th year involved with the start of the West Virginia Legislature’s regular 60-day session. I moved to Charleston on a snowy January in 2010 a week before the start of that session. I ...
I will begin my 15th year involved with the start of the West Virginia Legislature’s regular 60-day session. I moved to ...