'Having a small garden can actually work in your favour when creating a cosy retreat with decking,' says Simon. 'Surrounding ...
Plant size can be kept in check by regular pruning. Some (Lonicera periclymenum) flower in early summer on sideshoots on growth made the previous year. Cut back the stems by about a third in late ...
During Southern summers, the sweet scent of common honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) is everywhere. The green vines snake up trellises, adorn arbors, and break into bloom when the warm weather ...
This spring sees the opening of an important series of plantings at Fulham Palace. They restore to its gardens many of the species introduced there in the late 17th and early 18th centuries by Henry ...
I first heard about Ninfa when I was barely out of school. It was an English garden made around the ruins of an abandoned Italian town somewhere south of Rome. Lots of people seemed to know the owners ...