Van Gogh’s influence permeates Kiefer’s career, and is most evident in this colossal painting, stretching nearly 28 feet long ...
If one intends to go shopping in London, one is likely to be funnelled into the vortex that is Oxford Street, where the air ...
Looking to visit Amsterdam in 2025 and beyond? Here's expert insight on the best time to visit Amsterdam, plus fun hidden gems and seasonal activities.
Amsterdam is largely below sea level, so concerns about climate change — and local, sustainable ingredients — are ever present. The relative lack of cars makes al fresco dining in the city ...
Healing Frequency, an exhibition at London’s new Modern Contemporary (Moco) Museum that is running until April 21st, is a different kind of performance art compared to the work for which Abramović is ...
Kim Logchies-Prins, Co-founder & Curator of Moco Museum, adds: “We are incredibly proud to present Robbie’s latest exhibition in London. His previous showcases in Amsterdam and Barcelona have been met ...
Kaplan and his wife Daphne Recanati Kaplan can’t be seen by the public but it will soon be on show in the H’ART Museum from April 9 to August 24 to celebrate the occasion of Amsterdam’s birthday.
describes himself on Instagram as a “living sculpture”, so there were high hopes for his 40th birthday bash earlier this month at the recently opened Modern Contemporary Museum (Moco ...
Deze tentoonstelling geeft een inkijk in de ongeëvenaarde veertigjarige carrière van model en cultuuricoon Naomi Campbell. Nadat ze op vijftienjarige leeftijd werd gescout in Covent Garden, werd ...
Bij metrostation Vijzelgracht liepen twee tienermeisjes naar binnen. Een van hen droeg een tasje van het Moco-museum, en ze bespraken een ‘TikTokkaassoufflé’ die ze wilden gaan eten in de ...