A procession was held Thursday morning for Marysville police officer Osmar Rodarte, who was killed in Olivehurst on Wednesday ...
Two separate crashes were reported on eastbound Interstate 80 in Placer County on Thursday afternoon.Video Above | 12 p.m.
CHESTER, Pa. (WPVI) -- A brush fire broke out early Thursday morning in Chester, Delaware County. Firefighters were called ...
Fire crews extinguished an early-morning fire in the Sugar Bowl village on Thursday, overcoming multiple challenges.
This story was originally published by CalMatters. Sign up for their newsletters. Gary Gerren, the affable fire chief in the ...
With a few notable areas where the orange and red tide receded, like the hills above Berkeley and Oakland, territory deemed “high” or “very high” hazard exploded across the state, increasing by 168% ...
New bursts of yellow dot the hills of Mendocino County. Smears of burnt orange now span the aqueduct near Bakersfield.
Placer County has introduced cattle at Hidden Falls Park to help reduce wildfire risks and maintain the ecosystem.
Counties in the greater Sacramento region including El Dorado, Nevada, Placer ... Cal Fire has issued a fire hazard severity zone map for Sacramento County, rating nearly 78,000 acres under ...
THEY A Mooove over, goats. Cows are now being used to cut back on grass and reduce fire risk in Northern California. Placer County has introduced cows to Hidden Falls Regional Park. The cattle are ...
Read more on our AI policy here. A new wildfire was reported today at 9:49 p.m. in Placer County. Highway Fire has been burning on private land. At this time, the containment status is unknown and ...