The thermometer read 100ºF, and that wasn’t anything special for August. It’s the kind of heat that really makes you appreciate air conditioning. As I explored the rock formations of northern Arizona, ...
Wherefore, these gentlemen exercised a remarkable ingenuity in the art of evasion and denial ... When challenged by modern realism they evaded the issue by asserting that it was not modern ...
Tony Matelli is an American artist known for his work in sculpture and hyper-realism. "I like sculpture because it ... His works have been exhibited at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, ARoS Aarhus ...
Desvelar la realidad, (or ‘Unveil Reality’) is an exhibition paying tribute to Spanish realist art featuring influential ...
The Kosciuszko Foundation in New York is set to present "The Real Within: A New Generation of Polish Realism," a group ...
The Kosciuszko Foundation and Polish Cultural Institute New York have unveiled The Real Within: A New Generation of Polish ...