We are on the cusp of difficult times. How you deal with the ensuing chaos and disaster is fundamental to preserving your sanity and protecting yourself and your family from ...
Stoicism is trending online, but is it toxic? Not at all. It's just being misunderstood by the most vulnerable in society.
Yet while most of us can always use a lesson in humility, with this Lenten season halfway over, I wanted to spend time on the ...
Her wit and words of wisdom still resonate especially for parents who want to raise saints in today’s world but feel ...
"Bones" McCoy, Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise, has some of the funniest, thought-provoking one-liners in the ...
However, if you take the time to understand all of the pitfalls and trials that many go through before reaching their goals, ...
Artist Dick Frizzell recounts his toddler through teenage years in the new memoir Hastings: A Boy's Own Adventure. Photo / Michael Craig The 82-year-old painter speaks to Kim Knight about ...
US President Donald Trump laced his speech to the Congress on Tuesday with slogans and quotes that extolled his agenda and pitch to Americans and the world. In a speech that lasted for nearly an hour ...
Epictetus says that the capacity for judgment is unique to human beings and, alongside reason (logos), is proof of God (Zeus) dwelling within us ... Several of the ancient Greek Stoic’s quotes are ...