EXCLUSIVE: Netflix is taking the Geeta Gandbhir directed documentary The Perfect Neighbor which won the Documentary Directing ...
"Good Morning America" is sharing an exclusive clip of "This Time Next Year," the film adaptation of Sophie Cousens' ...
Netflix is in talks to acquire Sundance documentary "The Perfect Neighbor," according to an insider with knowledge of the project.
Sony Pictures Classics has acquired “Unidentified,” the latest feature from groundbreaking Saudi director Haifaa Al Mansour.
Sony Pictures Classics has acquired Unidentified, Haifaa Al Mansour ’s latest, in North America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, and for worldwide airlines.
SPC takes rights in North America and much of the world for the upcoming thriller from the director of 'Wadjda' and 'The Perfect Candidate' ...
The feature film premiering at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival is another documentary Amy Herdy directed to give a voice to the voiceless.