Ez ezazu galdu "Herri Txiki, Infernu Handi" saioa, igandean, 22:00etan, ETB1en eta eitb.eus-en. Hau zure interesekoa bada, baliteke beste gai hauek ere izatea Bizkaiko herriak Bizkaia Euskal Herriko ...
Halaber, erakundearen 2025-2027 Plan Estrategiko berria iragarri dute. Zenon Vazquez zuzendari nagusiaren hitzetan, “datu horiek berresten dute Elkargi enpresa txiki eta ertainen finantza erakundea ...
Donostiako Tabakaleran, Hirigintzako Herri Arteko Foroa egin zen, Oinherrik eta Hiritik At-ek antolatuta. Bertan, Euskal Herriko hainbat herrik hirigintzako proiektuen inguruko esperientziak partekatu ...
When you’re down or defeated and feel like nothing could turn your day around, don’t underestimate the power of a good quote about strength to get you through. The thought of reading a few as ...
At the time, Joan Laporta and Txiki Begiristain were spearheading Barcelona’s transformation, identifying Lahm as a perfect fit for Guardiola’s tactical plans. However, the German full-back ultimately ...
These deep quotes on life offer wisdom, perspective, and insight to help you understand its complexities. 1. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take ...
Goiatz eta bertako herritarrak ezagutuko ditugu beraiekin batera. Ez ezazu galdu "Herri Txiki, Infernu Handi" saioa, igandean, 22:00etan, ETB1en eta eitb.eus-en. Hau zure interesekoa bada, baliteke ...
The Premier League champions have turned to the winter transfer window for first-team recruitment for the first time since 2018, when Txiki Begiristain and his colleagues sanctioned a blockbuster ...
In 2025, Presidents Day falls on Monday, Feb. 17. It's a federal holiday, which means many people have the day off from work and a majority of schools are closed in observance of the day.
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