Delhi Police's Special Cell has arrested two sharpshooters of the Kapil Sangwan alias Nandu Gang wanted in a triple murder case in Haryana's Panchkula and broad daylight murders in Tilak Nagar and ...
Seasonality and delayed approvals led to muted launches, hampering the sector’s pre-sales momentum in the half-year ending September.
Panaji: The income-tax (I-T) department, Panaji, conducted a search on a prominent Goa and Bengaluru-based liquor group across the country.
Kolkata police say they have arrested Chirag Kapoor, one of the masterminds of a nationwide digital arrest scam, from Bengaluru. According to sources, Kapoor has been linked to 930 digital arrest ...
Two members of the Kapil Sangwan gang were arrested in Bengaluru in connection with the triple murder case in Panchkula last month. Three people, including a woman, were shot dead after attending a ...