A young female student at USU, who lived in a women’s dorm suite where a purported transgender resident assistant was assigned after Christmas break, called the ...
Collected samples from the Rockford-area reveal high chloride levels in Kent Creek near Tinker Swiss Cottage – with a 231 chloride parts per million (ppm) as of Dec. 20, 2024. According to Water ...
President Trump signed multiple executive orders implementing his immigration policies. Now, a significant halt to refugee admissions into the U.S. is impacting families and organizations in NEO.
Taylorsville Police Department is warning people about posts going around on Facebook saying a baby was found and they need help finding the family.
Utah lawmakers have advanced a bill that experts say would establish one of the most restrictive labor laws in the country.
In his State of the State address to the Legislature, Gov. Spencer Cox outlines how to tackle Utah's affordable housing crisis.
After some of the country's biggest insurers left California entirely last year, many Utahns are now concerned about the same fate happening to them.
The Trump tax cuts are set to expire later this year, and that poses a real challenge for policymakers, businesses, and taxpayers alike. Americans face a ...
So just how easy is it to start a business in Utah? Well, WalletHub says Utah ranks third among states in making it easy to start a business.
Jamie Foxx recently joined Vanity Fair for a video interview in which he looked back at a handful of his most iconic acting roles, including the title character in Quentin Tarantino’s “Django ...
The team filed trademark applications for the final six names — Utah Blizzard, Utah Mammoth, Utah Outlaws, Utah Hockey Club, Utah Venom and Utah Yeti as determined by online fan voting — with the U.S.