“Spiritual disciplines are not about legalism or perfectionism. They are about creating rhythms in our lives that cultivate spiritual fitness. Just as physical exercise strengthens the body, spiritual ...
“January 6 is a major Christian holiday that most Americans know little about. The Feast of the Epiphany, from the Greek word meaning ‘manifestation,’ celebrates the visitation of the Magi to the ...
“In the United States, abortion accounts for roughly one-third of all annual deaths. The figure among African Americans reportedly exceeds 60% of total deaths [per Breitbart].” - C.Post ...
Perkins, along with CT’s the world over, makes assertions about the “covenant of grace” that the Bible claims are about the ...
“Each of these years taught me a painful but valuable lesson: life is unpredictable…. this year, instead of setting specific goals, I’m focusing on something more foundational: habits and consistency.
“…a new report from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts. According to the report, evangelicals’ financial generosity is down in every metric measured in a similar survey conducted three years ...