The Interior Ministry plans to strengthen the capacities of the foreigners police, TASR has learnt in an interview with Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD), who added that the Slovak labour ...
Better remuneration of employees in education, reducing the age of compulsory pre-school attendance to three years of age, optimising the network of primary and secondary schools, and creating a plan ...
Slovakia needs to urgently shift away from landfilling, as new waste dumps aren't being opened and the existing ones are filling up, Environment Min ...
The police have implemented several measures to increase road safety in the coming period, with more officers deployed on Tuesday to monitor traffic flow, as they expect heavier traffic due to the end ...
The International Operational Crisis Centre, set up by the Foreign Affairs Ministry in October 2024, handled more than 1,000 phone calls in its first three months in operation, TASR has learnt from ...
The scrapping of the ban on importing radioactive waste into Slovakia wasn't a move made by the Environment Ministry, Environment Minister Tomas Tar ...
Those interested in state-supported rental apartments could be able to register themselves on the list of applicants soon, as the Agency for State-supported Rental Housing (ASPNB), falling under the ...
Radioactive waste can be imported into Slovakia again, as a ban on importing this kind of waste, introduced in 2021, has been lifted as of the new year. Parliament approved a respective change to the ...
The Christian festival of Epiphany, or 'Three Kings' ('Traja krali' or 'Tri krale' in archaic Slovak), is being celebrated in Slovakia and many other countries on Monday, January 6. The Roman ...
Bratislava 7. januára (TASR) - Bratislavská mestská spoločnosť Odvoz a likvidácia odpadu (OLO) začala v utorok so zvozom vianočných stromčekov z ohrádok v Bratislave. Prvé dva týždne zberu posilní zvo ...
Brezno 7. januára (TASR) - Hoci mobilná ľadová plocha na breznianskom námestí mala byť otvorená už len do konca zimných prázdnin, radnica v utorok na sociálnej sieti oznámila, že predlžuje jej prevádz ...
Prešov 7. januára (TASR) - Polícia odhalila vodičov v Prešove a v Spišskom Štvrtku pod vplyvom alkoholu. Oboch obvinila z trestného činu ohrozenia pod vplyvom návykovej látky. TASR o tom informovala h ...