There upwards of 3,700 species of spiders in the United States, and more than 500 of these live in Illinois, according to the ...
Renowned expert Jonathan Leeming shares his expertise on the latest advances in venom treatment and prevention.
From the innocent daddy longlegs to the harmful brown recluse, here are the most common house spiders, how to identify them, ...
Cellulitis is a skin infection that can occur when bacteria enter an open bug bite. Early treatment is crucial. Learn how to ...
Unfortunately for NC arachnophobes, one of these species may prefer hiding in folded linens, closets and shoes.
The brown recluse and black widow are the most common venomous spiders in the U.S. and Alabama. What are their habitats and how to prevent a bite.
Georgia is home to several spider species, and some are venomous. What do they look like? How dangerous are they? What to do if bitten.
This is why bite prevention and treatment are crucial if you live in these states. Their name gives nod to their preference to hide away versus chancing a human or predator encounter, but it doesn’t ...
Spider-Man 4 is officially happening and, in a twist no one saw coming, Stranger Things star Sadie Sink is reportedly joining Tom Holland. While the trilogy wrapped up everything nicely, it also ...
The most common means of treating bug bites is by taking an antihistamine pill or applying a topical treatment containing an antihistamine. In order to treat the itchiness, apply an over-the ...
The risk of life-threatening complications due to a brown recluse spider bite is very small, as are your chances of needing life-saving treatments for it. Nonetheless, you should monitor your spider ...
A bite from the brown recluse spider requires first aid, and, if necessary, professional medical attention. Treatment often includes cleaning the affected skin, pain relievers, and icing.